Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA administration, confirms that Russell Turner has met the standards necessary to be awarded the Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™- CMIP® designation.
A Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, CMIP®, is a professional designation available to active licensed health agents in good standing that meet the rigorous standards of having at least seven years of experience as a licensed health producer and can show seven years of passing AHIP or carrier MA/PDP annual testing and certification for marketing Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans while maintaining high ethical standards.
A CMIP® professional designation holder agrees to abide by the Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA administration’s Code of Ethics/Violation Policy/Agreements document.
“Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA, authorizes the use of its trademarks CMIP®, and Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™ to agents that have met Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA administration’s initial and ongoing certification requirements. The Federal Government, CMS, and Medicare do not affiliate with or endorse ANY professional designation, which includes the CMIP® designation.”