Throughout our lives, we hit different milestones: at 16 years old, we can drive; at 18, we can vote; and at 21, we are considered adults and can enter any establishment. The next major milestone comes at 65, when we become eligible for Medicare insurance. This is truly an experience!
If you’re 64.5 years old or older, you may already have other credible prescription drug coverage. However, you will also start receiving a lot of attention from companies trying to help you. Don’t be surprised if you get contacted by several people you’ve never heard of. Beware of telemarketers.

Here's What Will Happen :
You will receive a tremendous amount of mail. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are on a list, and many companies purchase this data. It is compliant with CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) to send mail to those turning 65 or older. You will get a lot!
You will also receive tons of phone calls. Beware of telemarketers! It is non-compliant to call you concerning Medicare Advantage, but it is legal to call you about Medigap policies. These callers can be tricky, so be cautious and never give your Social Security number over the phone. Additionally, Medicare or Social Security will never call you directly unless you have spoken to them previously and set up a phone appointment.
You will get advice from friends and family. In many cases, your friends or family may have already experienced this. Keep in mind that everyone has different needs, and what is right for them may not be right for you.
You will see, or may have already seen, TV commercials that can be misleading. Not everyone qualifies for all the benefits mentioned in TV ads. Plans are designed for each state and even each zip code within the state.
So what Medicare benefits are you qualified to receive? How do you know what plans are available to you in your zip code? How do you maximize your benefits?
As always, there is never a charge for my services. Don’t go through this “Turning 65 experience” alone. Please give me a call or send me a text, and we can set up an appointment either in my office or in the convenience of your home to go over all your Medicare options. As a broker, I represent the top-rated companies in the industry, allowing me to help you find the plan that best serves your health needs.
Whether it be a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare Supplement Plan, I can help. My phone numbers for calling or texting are: 803-640-4039 or 864-704-6788. If you prefer email, you can reach me at Ru*****@na******************.com. Thank you, and I look forward to helping you make this a stress-free experience.
Contact Your Medicare Specialist Today !
Oh, the confusion: There’s Part A and Part B, but you also need Part D to keep from getting a penalty, but wait, what about Part C? But C includes A&B and can include D? What about Dental, Vision and Hearing? What about a Medigap policy they are lettered A-N but unless you are Grandfathered in you can no longer get C or F? With Medigap, do you still need D? WHAT? WAIT! STOP THE MADNESS!!
Anyone can take something simple and make it complicated, we take Medicare which is very confusing and complicated and make it simple to understand and alleviate all the confusion. As a broker I represent the top-rated companies in the Medicare insurance industry. When we sit down together, I will look at all your prescription medications to ensure your meds are in formularies, then I will check your doctors to ensure they are in the chosen networks. I will clear up the differences between HMO’s and PPO’s to best fit a plan that will fit YOUR healthcare. Everyone has a different set of needs. All consultations are at $O cost to you.
So when you think to yourself: “I need help Navigating My Medicare”
Call, Text or email for an appointment!
Russell Turner
Call or Text: 803-640-4039 ог 864-704-6788

Founder And CEO Russell Turner
It is a company decision not to represent every plan that is available in the area. Some of these are MSA plans, plans with high deductibles, Institutional Special Needs Plans, Cost Share Plans, and certain plans that have coverage limitations. Therefore: “We do not offer every plan available in your area. We represent 10 MA organizations representing 67 MA plans. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.” Including plans, we choose not to represent.
Copyright @ 2024 Medicareagentsc, All Rights Reserve
We are not connected with or endorsed by the United States government or the federal Medicare Program